My most important title is MOM.
Yes, I am very out numbered. Being a mom has been one of the greatest blessings, and it has also presented some pretty big challenges. Raising humans is BIG work, and it is incredibly important work. Each day brings laughter and lessons as we navigate life together, and I wouldn't change any of it for anything-- well except the socks and towels that never make it to the hamper, I'd change that part! Not a single day around here is the same, and I can't guarantee that everyone is always happy, but I can guarantee that there is never a shortage of cereal or love.
Are you mom? Do you ever find that you are both soaring and drowning at the same time? Do you ever feel like the best part of you has been lost in the chaos? Do you struggle with mom guilt? First, know that these things are normal, and ALL mom’s struggle with this. Second, know that we are better together and my goal is to offer strategies that will make mommin’ a little less crazy, and equip you with the tools necessary to thrive in this role you were blessed with.
My background is education.
I wanted to be a teacher for as long as I could remember because I had some amazing teachers who created an exceptional space for me as an underprivileged child to thrive. Teachers who cared about me, in a real way. Teachers who believed in me and impacted my life immensely. They moved the needle for me, and I wanted to do the same for kids like me. I returned to my hometown after college and started teaching 5th grade. While pregnant with my second child, I earned my first Masters Degree, and after that and while pregnant with my third I earned two additional Masters Degrees and moved forward to become an administrator of an elementary school. I was young, and that promotion came ahead of schedule; but I was excited about the future and looked forward to what was next. Never did I ever think that just a couple of years later I would walk away from my budding career in education to pursue entrepreneurship.

Entrepreneurial Spirit.
I was never afraid of a little hustle, and always loved diversifying my time and energy. Making extra money was something I had always been good at. Top Girl Scout cookie seller, fundraiser, and donation getter for all sorts of events. Finding something else to bring in additional income at this point in my life became a massive need. I was up to my eyeballs in student loan debt, capped in my salary, and the growing expenses of kids and life were creating such a huge amount of stress for me that it was actually making me ill. I was introduced to a network marketing company and little did I know that would serve as a pivotal moment for me. What started out as a desire to make extra money to put toward student loan debt, led to my being able to pay off my student loans and walk away from my career in education at the age of 30!
The journey wasn’t magical nor was it easy. I just worked hard, really hard, oftentimes harder than anyone else. My results were definitely not average because I put in an above-average level of time, energy, and effort. I had to. I had no other option. I just didn’t know it was going to be as life changing as it was. Leaving my career, my staff, my friends, my students, my sweet sweet students, wasn’t easy. It was one of the most difficult decisions I had ever made. It was scary, and there was no guarantee. I did it anyway. I knew in my heart there was more life was trying to offer me. Closing one chapter and beginning another gave me the opportunity to say YES to more time with my children, and say YES to more quality moments with them. YES to dance class in the middle of the day, YES to being a room mom, YES to baseball games, YES to longer snuggles in the morning, YES to bedtime stories at night, and YES to the choice of being more present. It’s funny to think as I write this how one “Yes” can make all the difference.
Are you ready for your next chapter? Can you feel your potential tugging at your soul every waking moment? Are you ready to discover your true calling and lean fully into the best version of YOU? Let’s go! That’s what I am going to help you do, and we are going to have so much fun! Let’s chase progress together!

Brewing success.
My success in the industry, representing the top 1% of women, resulted in contributing to, and developing leadership development content, training material and as of late a book, with the world’s most renowned leadership expert and author Dr. John C. Maxwell. It has truly been one of the most incredible learning experiences of my life. I strive each and every day to create impact and add value to those around me. I am committed to continued growth because the law of contribution is real, and it's worth immeasurable. John has served as an incredible mentor and role model, and I am forever grateful for his teachings and his heart to transform people. In other words, leadership is a responsibility, one I don’t take lightly, and the calling on my life that I plan to live out each and every day.
Finding strength in the struggle.
My world came tumbling down when the company I had been with decided to go in a different direction. In a single email at approximately 4 AM, it all ended. I went to church, gave it all to God. Grabbed some paint at Home Depot, a bottle of champagne and some hot chips at the grocery store, blasted Taylor’s recent album and contemplated my next move while single handedly repainting my son's bedroom. Many tears were shed, lots of gratitude expressed, and a massive sense of responsibility to take the legacy I had started to the next level. But how? How do I start over? What if I can’t do it again? What if I fail?
And then, almost on cue that inner voice got louder than every doubting belief…”But darling, what if you fly? Andrea!!! What if you SOAR!?”
So, I rolled up my sleeves, asked fear to step to the side, flexed that hustle muscle, grabbed a handful of friends, put my head down, and went to work. In a short period of time, amidst global chaos, school ending three months early, and with a whole lot of uncertainty in the air, created a winning team, a thriving culture, and a community of people who are nothing less than extraordinary. We are doing it bigger and better, and are currently doing it as you read this. In fact, at this moment we have helped countless families create six- figure businesses and that will multiply exponentially simply because we have the systems, support, and ability to make it happen. We have come to learn that setbacks are really set ups for what you really are supposed to do, where you are supposed to be, and on your way to be who you are meant to become. You never start over really; you start better.
If you are looking for a reboot, a community to be a part of, and a business that is sure to offer you more than an additional stream of income, you should take a look at what we are up to, we’d love to have you be a part of this movement with us!

On that note, getting better is what it’s all about. I love helping people unlock their potential and move the needle in their own lives. I believe that progress IS success, it’s just spelled differently. If you are here because you are looking to get inspired, I am here for that. If you are here looking to make changes and progress, I am here for that, too. If you are here because you are ready to take the next level of YOU by storm, well let’s go!! However, if you are here because you are wanting to connect with a down-to-earth mama, the sister you never had, a best friend, and learn some awesome things, and probably laugh a little, then take a seat because you are my people and I am so happy you are here with me. Let’s do some life together.
I can't guarantee when it will happen, but I can promise that if you stick around it most definitely will.