Stop Doubting, start BELIEVING
I can always tell what kind of a person a person is by how much doubt they express over how much belief they express. This also says a lot about how far someone can and will go, or how stuck someone will always be in life.
You see, when you express doubt or disbelief you are automatically discrediting your own ability or the ability of others. You cut yourself short before you even get a chance to see what could potentially happen. This results in little to no progress over time and naturally turns you into a negative pessimistic person. You cast and keep that perpetual black cloud over your own life and begin to wonder how you were dealt such an unfair hand. If this is you, and you are suddenly gritting your teeth over your own reality, I have good news for you– this is fixable!
I think for most people that doubt is a default reaction– largely based on how we were raised, who spoke into our lives, and who we currently spend our time around. Just like water likes to find its level, negative and doubt do the same. The only way to break free of this and move into a heart and mindset of belief is to change the narrative for ourselves, and actively redirect our thoughts and actions when doubt creeps up.
What would actually happen if you STOPPED doubting and STARTED believing?
The best way to hit this head on is to create awareness, which is what we are doing right now. You can’t fix what you don’t see, and you certainly can make changes when you don’t see where changes need to be made. This is where I come in, and why I show up for you week after week, because ultimately we are in this together.
How to Change the Narrative: Instead of this … say this…
I doubt it……I believe it…
I doubt you can …… I believe you will…
I doubt it works…. I believe it works…
I doubt I can be successful….. I believe I can be successful…
I doubt I can lose the weight…. I believe I can lose the weight …
I doubt I will find the right guy…. I believe I will find right guy…
I doubt I have what it takes…. I believe I have what it takes…
I think you get the point. The words we speak have power and the beliefs they contribute empower us!! Imagine how empowered you would become if you simply made the switch in the things you think and say.
Things will start to improve, you will start to make progress, and light– the light you have been longing for will start to break through that dark cloud and illuminate your path.
I believe in YOU,
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