
You are not an ELF

If you want to do big things, live a big life, and make a big impact… YOU GOTTA MAKE BIG MOVES!!!

You gotta stop playing small, it has a funny way of keeping you right where you are. 🤨


For reals tho, let’t take a quick moment and think of a few areas where you are playing small in life, and then let’s put on our big girl/boy pants and PLAY BIG!


How do you know you are playing small? 

  • You set small goals 
  • You are semi-committed
  • You half-way show up and mostly lack consistency 
  • You are comfortable with how its going
  • Its a low level priority 


Think about an area of your life where you are playing small. What goal did you set, because you were really excited about it, but the desire fire burned out after the first set back and so you decreased the goal? What project or idea have you had in your heart, but you’re keeping it there instead of bringing it to the world because you are too worried about what others will think, or fear not being successful? Life is too short to play small, your dreams are too important to the world to play small, and those goals you have, they need  you to play big so you can move on to the next one. You were born to make progress not regress. Forward is the motion we wanna move in life. We are movers. We do BIG things. We do HARD things. We do IMPACTFUL things. Can I get an AMEN!!!! 


So the next question then becomes how do I start to play big. Well first things first you DECIDE to. You decided that enough is enough and for the first time, or maybe for once and for all you will not live a funsize life, you will live a KING-SIZE life, because when you think about it that is the life you have been called to live. 


How to start playing BIG?

  • Set big fat scary goals. If it doesn’t seem impossible it’s not big enough. 
  • Become super committed. Adopt a “persist until” mindset
  • Become the most consistent person you know. 
  • Strive to always be a little uncomfortable. That is the zone of greatness. 
  • Make it a high level priority. Give it priority time, energy, and effort. 


Ready to do BIG things?? Then let’s take some BIG action!! 


Biggest High Five Ever, 


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